Class DecalMaterialResourceFile

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class DecalMaterialResourceFile : public MaterialResourceFile

Representation of a material used for drawing decals. Uses ImageResourceFile to store the Decal’s texture.

Public Functions

DecalMaterialResourceFile(const FilePath &path)
virtual ~DecalMaterialResourceFile()
void setColor(const Color &color)
void setDecal(Ref<ImageResourceFile> decal)
const Shader *getShader() const
Vector<Ref<GPUTexture>> getTextures() const
void bindShader()
void bindTextures()
void bindSamplers()
void bindVSCB()
void bindPSCB()
JSON::json getJSON() const
ID3D11ShaderResourceView *getPreview() const
void reimport()

Reload the file buffer from disk.

bool save()
void draw()

Public Static Functions

static void Load()
static void Destroy()

Protected Functions

DecalMaterialResourceFile(const Type type, const FilePath &path)

Protected Attributes

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> m_PSCB
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> m_VSCB